Friday 2 August 2024

Merry Oldie

A day in the life of a retiree.

I am loving my life like a senior citizen should. Waking up at dawn to get ready for my walk with neighbors and friends is what makes me get up early, my ikigai as they say.

My walk practically defines my day since we share our concerns and challenges, retelling our activities the day before, telling jokes that open to laughter and banter. Soon we complete our goal of 10,000 steps without noticing that we are done.

Sometimes we detour to buy plantain from a homeowner that offers a great variety at a good price or pass by a street to check on plants that interest us

When I get home, Jim and I share our morning walk stories over breakfast that sets a good mood that prevails the whole day. What more is there to ask for? We appreciate these simple things that make our day

What really delays us is our picture taking. Fortunately, Jim takes great photos that we always look for him when it is light enough to get a good shot. We choose nice views or backgrounds for our photos. We never run out of nice backgrounds for in this community, homeowners take care of their home's curve appeal.

In the absence of Tess, who stays in her other home in the Netherlands every quarter, I post the daily photos on facebook with a quote, a prayer or a brief detail of what was shared during the walk.

The latest photo above was taken close to my home.

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