Friday 2 August 2024

MERRY OLDIE 2: A day in the life if a senior citizen

About a year ago we took up the suggestion of Aira, Carol’s daughter by programming our daily walking outfit and adapted a color for each day. We were excited to see our photos looking nice with our monochromatic color scheme. 

Thereafter, majorly of us had to complete our wardrobes with all the colors of the rainbow and more, we even went to the extent of buying all shades of favorite colors. . We did not stick to a definite shade, if it’s a blue day, all shades of blue is fine. 

We made a color calendar for the month, we standardized three days within a week as follows:

Mondays- blue to mimic blue Mondays; 

Wednesdays- pink since we followed Leni’s lead and

Fridays- black, as in black Friday. 

Due to many conversations in our group chat, some of us lose their color calendar and they would start asking: “what’s tomorrow’s color. Tess even took pains by posting her selfie wearing the color of the day before she starts jogging as early as 4 or thereabouts. That made no mistaking what shirt to wear. 

It also encouraged us not to miss walking if our fave color is scheduled. Juliet won’t miss an orange day, her favorite. 

Lately however, this practice seems to grow old on us; it prevented us from using what we felt like wearing for the day, it cramps our style and fashion sense. As Claire said: “we must bring out our authentic selves”. 

I put out a survey in our group chat to know who wants a reprieve from this so-called “uniform” and unanimously it was carried. Therefore for the month of August we will wear whatever took our fancy. Next month, we can always revert back to the color calendar it we so desire.

Here we are today, walking happily in our color choices. 

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