Friday 16 August 2024


I feel blessed and forever grateful as I tick away another year from my life calendar. Over the years, there are lessons learned that I’d like to share; along with ways I intend to continue thriving happily through the time I have left.

Like most seniors, simplicity has become the norm; naps and simple meals sound good. Happiness is not defined by a bustling social life; there is peace and quiet found in solitude. But it is never lonely if we do occasional catch-ups with a small circle of friends. Lucky for me to have friends and neighbors who walk with me every morning. That is my ikigai.

I know that someone said: “I am not everyone’s cup of tea and that’s okay”; I am my own favorite brew. I know that my worth is not determined by the approval of others. I will live by my own values; not by others’ standards or expectations. I will surround myself with people who will uplift me and will touch hearts. I will walk the path with those who appreciate me for who I am, quirks, imperfections and all.

Since the early days, I’ve learned never to compare myself with others; life isn’t a competition, it’s a journey to be enjoyed in spite my circumstances and challenges. I will continue to embrace my strengths and weaknesses; I will strive to learn from them to be a better person than I was yesterday.

I commit to lifelong learning, it keeps my mind sharp, active and engaged because it can open avenues for new interests that could be pursued. I embrace technology, though I am not a techie it keeps me in touch with this ever changing world; so I try to learn and apply every new IOS.

I prioritize self care. It is necessary for maintaining balance, the emotional, mental and physical faculties. I will engage in activities that nourish and rejuvenate me; in so doing I could be a better version of myself for Jim and for my children.

I do not stress on things that I can’t control. When I am thrown with a curve ball, I lean on the wisdom of the serenity prayer:

“The Serenity to accept things I cannot change, Courage to change those that I can and the Wisdom to know the difference”.

As I continue on this journey, I no longer seek my next big dream, nor chase unattainable perfection. I don’t grapple with past regrets. I will follow the Toaist principle of living simply and appreciating the present moment. I’m happy gardening, bonding with family, walking with friends, reading novels and watching movies. I do listen to political and social podcasts and watch sports with Jim.

Fumio Sasaki reminds us in his book, “Goodbye Things”. that our worth is not defined by our wardrobe, neither the possessions we acquired, nor the lifestyle we lead but by the depth of our relationships, the richness of our experiences and the authenticity of our lives.

I know that my life is better than a dream not because I am rich or famous but because of the quality of a simple life devoid of envy, stress, anger and everything that is negative. As one of my friends said: “your life is as great as your mindset”.

And Ava Sinclair says: “ we each has our own unique rhythm in the dance of life”.

Finally I believe that “the heart of a man plans his way; but The Lord establishes his steps”-Proverbs 16.9.

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