Thursday 7 July 2016

Do You Know How To Be Happy?

Why is happiness so elusive?  Why can't we be happy all the time?  But if we are, we can't appreciate happiness, right?  Too many of us are unhappy; some even go to the extent of traveling far and wide looking for it.   Others shop endlessly or hang out often in bars to dull boredom and hope to fine happiness there. 

On the flip side some of us are afraid to be happy that we tone it down when we are for fear that something may go wrong.  I grew up around a lot of aunts and grand aunts who believed in this myth;  
"Don't be too happy", they said  "something bad may happen".  Haven't we heard that from our old folks back then?

In recent years when I had more time to reflect,  I realized that I am truly happy.  Happy like what experts say is sustainable; meaning, I'm not only happy in good times being with family or friends but that feeling of well-being persists even when I'm alone;  and the same sustains me through rough times as well.  Here's my formula and by sharing it, I hope it can also work for you. 

First and foremost, I always live in the present; in-the-here-and-now.  I  find joy in what the moment brings; I enjoy every minute without worrying so much of the past and not apprehensive about the future.  

Experts say that we must have a  purpose in life, but how are we to know that?   How about we look deep into our hearts and minds what exactly we love doing?  Where do we excel? What are our God-given gifts?  Whatever they are, we should be doing just that.  Aren't we happy whenever we like what we do?

When I was working, I was so preoccupied with work and during weekends when I wasn't working I did personal errands, kept the home wholesome, cooked and bonded with family that recognizing my passions also eluded me.  But when I retired and I had more time to reflect, I realized that I've been doing exactly what I like doing all along.  Fortunately for me, I discovered my passions and now I live my dream no matter how simple it maybe to others.  Though my bucket list has not been totally fulfilled, I  can't ask for more. 

I love selling things and I'm so grateful that Jim supported me in this endeavor; he helped me put up the convenience store.  Even when It was making what he calls just "coffee money", he never discouraged me, instead he helped me make the business work.  Now that we are both retired I'm  glad we never gave it up, it is something to do and I find it a good venue to put my management skills to work. 

I love to write and when my Facebook postings became lengthy; my younger daughter noticed,  she said they are better in a blog; so she opened my blog account.  Now I have a venue for self expression and to share my work.   My adrenaline flows when a new topic hits me and I get excited developing it.  While I enjoy writing and publishing my blog, good feedback is just a bonus, but the writing is the real fun. 

Gardening is another passion that I got from my Papa who love to garden, maybe it's also in my genes.  I find it a blessing that Jim also loves to garden.  This is a hobby we both share and enjoy,  it helps me unwind and get me grounded, literally and figuratively.  Now, I even started selling plants making  "just enough for coffee".  Our backyard edible garden is our pride and joy, it puts veggies on the  table.  Besides, it gives us a lot of talking points as well. 

"Do you know that the bird with the long tail is chasing away the butterflies?".  Jim said about the bird that frequents our garden.  I found that an  interesting observation.   You see this is a bit of a concern to us since we've been wondering why our plants bear a lot of flowers but yield  minimal fruits.  That's when he said that we need the butterflies. 
"What can we do about it?" I said, "we just have to let nature take its course".   See?, trivial, maybe, but interesting!  I love topics like that, it gives flavor to an otherwise ordinary morning, a simple pleasure, really!

Happiness is a state of the mind; experts say that to be happy is a choice and it depends a lot on how we perceive things and events.  We are advised to be careful with our thoughts from the moment we wake up in the morning, we should choose wisely;. do we want to be enthusiastic about what the new day brings?  If so, we should make a conscious choice so we can live a happy and meaningful life. 

Our happiness should not be dependent on others; that's why to seek popularity is putting our happiness at risk because chances are that we would be disappointed.   How many people feel depressed because they don't get the popularity they think they deserve.

Experts further say that our happiness should not be dependent on external things; otherwise we can never be content with what we have.  We will always want more; a bigger house, the best car, the latest gadget, more clothes, jewelry, where will it end?  Kathy Gottberg, in one of her Smart Living blogs wrote that "once our basic needs are met, money or more of anything won't make a difference".   That is why simple living works for many because they feel they have enough. 

What about you, have you found your purpose?  Come on, let's chase our dreams and follow our passions; a true way to be happy.  After all what's said and done, happiness is from within and  it's really up to us if we want to be happy or not. 

Let me end this by quoting a prayerful friend, Nina who asks: 
" What is true happiness, is it in between too much and too little?  Is it just wealth to meet our needs or just poverty to learn to work harder?  More blessings to know that God loves us or loads of problems so we don't forget Him?".

Sunday 3 July 2016

Conquering My Dead Spots

One advantage of being retired is having more time to reflect and appreciate how wonderful life really is.  After focusing on decluttering and trying to live a simple life I want to right everything to have a clear mind and a lighter heart.  I want to make amends for my mistakes, my omissions, my shortcomings as well as acts that were not very pleasing to others.  In other words, I'm trying to eliminate all my dead spots. 

What is a dead spot?  In the digital world, it is a place with no signal, rendering communication impossible with our cellphone.  On an iPad or iPhone screen, a dead spot is sometimes observed when we click an icon and nothing happens.

In the ocean or bodies of water, dead zone means lack of oxygen in the water that fish and marine life have difficulty to survive.  Hence a dead spot is a place where life is difficult or where there can be no life at all. 

What about us, do we have dead spots?  When the priest asked this at Sunday mass, I couldn't get it out of my mind.  So I went through an examination of conscience to know my dead spots.  I realized then that this isn't just physical, in fact I believe I need more work on the emotional and mental aspects.

Physically, we are alerted by discomfort or pain, but sometimes we can't even feel anything.  Sans the pain, we just have to do regular medical check-ups; when there is pain we know that we need to see our doctor. 

Wouldn't it be wise then to be vigilant so we don't develop a dead spot?  I believe that the elderly are more conscious of this because when we are young we are inclined to think or feel invincible that we tend to neglect our physical health.  Late nights, too much booze, erratic diet are some of the pitfalls; It's a pity that we don't always see the relevance of a healthy lifestyle when we are younger.  On the emotional and mental part, I know that I have to be conscious of my thoughts, words and actions. 

This is what Jim and I do to keep physical dead spots at bay:
Definitely exercise is a given.
We garden for enjoyment and to de-stress.
Feeling a pain? We see our Iridologist. 
If it's a numbness, a sprain or a fracture, we go to our chiropractor. 

We keep our faculties intact by reading a lot, we try to recall things that elude our minds and if recalling takes so long to a point that the effort gives us a headache, we google the answer.  We update ourselves to be current all the time.   When I compose my blog, he helps me choose the right words.  Hopefully, all these work of the brain will keep us lucid for the longest time.  My mother-in-law often said:  
"what you don't use, you lose", 
that's why we need to exercise our brains as well.

What is most challenging for me and I believe is also true to others is conquering our emotional dead spots. 
"Am I still angry with someone?", 
I ask myself.  If so, then I should forgive,  though it would be good for me to stay away from this person from now on. 

"Did I act out of propriety?  Did I offend someone?  Was my anger misplaced?"   I can't live with something like that so, i do need to rectify it.  An apology is in order. 

"Did I fail to do something for somebody, even without his knowledge?".   Margaret Elizabeth Sangster, in her famous poem, The Sin of Omission aptly explains this.  Below is the first stanza: 

"It's not the thing you do, dear; 
It's the thing you leave undone; 
that gives you a bit  of heartache
at the setting of the sun." 

Upon reflection,  I feel that this last issue is the reason for some sleepless nights.   It is hard to cope with guilt that we often say: "if only"; and ask,  "what if?", "would that have assured someone, comforted someone,  appeased someone?"

In retrospect, I feel lucky that I can still make up for some issues while there is time.    

Sunday 26 June 2016

How Well Do You Know Your Family

Another quiz?  Like the ones that are often posted on Facebook.?  

No, no, no, no, -------wait!  Please continue reading.  This is not a test, you will not  answer twenty questions nor tick boxes. 

How well do you know your family?  The priest asked one Sunday morning during the homily.  I'm sure that many of us who were in the church had mixed reactions;  surely some were proud for knowing exactly how each member of their families tick, while others who must have been defensive started to mentally put together excuses and the rest just had to live with their guilt; depending of course on how much interest, time and effort we devote to each and every member of our families. 

Every time I watch  "Everybody's  Fine", the movie, (one of my favorites because I can relate),  I always cry for Robert de Niro who was lonely and helpless after his wife passed away.  I can truly feel his pain and know exactly what he was going through. 

Busy with work earlier to support his family, he only talked to the kids to enforced discipline.  When his wife passed, he lost his connection with the children that it was difficult to establish good rapport.

When all his children begged off coming home for a planned reunion, he took the initiative to visit each one.  In spite doctor's advice due to a heart condition he took the road trip only to find that they were all preoccupied with their own lives and they barely had time for him.  Moreover, he found that his children's lives were not as perfect as they led him to believe. 

"You always called your Mom,  you never talked to me",  he told his daughter, a  stage performer,  while they were having  dinner in her pretend condo in Las Vegas.  She didn't even tell him that the baby she was looking after is her own. 

My husband and I are lucky that when our children call,  we don't take turns talking on the phone while the other listens on the extension.  We talk to them together instead on FaceTime, this allows us to update each one.  Moreover, we also get to see the latest antics of our growing two-year-old grandson. 

One Aha! Parenting blog mentioned that we have to make a connection that is better established when our children are still young.  It is said that parents and children as well need that connection, thus making the parents happy and fulfilled while  the children feel secure and loved.  

Having a routine with the children even when we are busy with work and other commitments would help develop a connection that would hopefully last beyond childhood.  It's easy once we get used to doing it, my husband and I did just that.  This is a way to develop trust and eventually lead to more sharing. 

I am one who is always watching and asking how each of my children are getting along.  I believe that's not a bad thing because they understand that I'm interested in their lives, their careers, beliefs, ambitions, passions and preoccupation.

Everytime the family get together, I always make time to talk to each and everyone individually.  I ask my granddaughter about school and her friends.  When my younger daughter comes for a visit (or when we do visit), we stay up to the wee hours catching up.  When we meet our son, a good time to catch up is when we share a meal with him.  We talk to our older daughter who is in town everyday so we are updated on each other's day-to-day activities. 

What Robert de Niro failed to do in the movie is to give positive affirmations.   Hugs were not given automatically; loving and encouraging words were never said from the time his children were young; and he never participated in any of their activities.   As a result he didn't have that connection with them as adults, so they stayed distant.

In this digital age however, there is no reason not to get in touch with family on a regular basis even if we live across the seas from each other.   My family never fail to greet each other on birthdays and anniversaries wherever we maybe at the time.   Important events and celebrations are given priority,  our calendars are marked way ahead of time to ensure our presence at the event.

A family is expected to support each other.  In mine, we send consoling words if someone is hurting; oftentimes my daughters send each other a simple text like "hugs" that gives so much more comfort than a lot of words can do.   When someone needs prayer, we ask and everybody will pray; when our newly-born grandson underwent a complicated medical procedure everybody prayed on a specific hour, afterwards, my son said that it was like the 3 o'clock habit. 

Here's another connection we developed early on when we started traveling with the kids; after a vacation with relatives in the US and Vancouver, we messaged our thanks and said that we got back safely.  Nowadays, we still do that to our family, whoever travels would message: 
 "thank you for giving us a good time",  
"The meals were great, your cooking is incomparable"
"Boarding now",
"Just landed safely". 

And the traveler gets back a reply like these:

"We enjoyed your visit, come again soon", 
"Have a safe trip", 
"Safe and happy landings!"

My older daughter will go farther than that, she would message: " we're here at hotel ----now and in room no.-----, whenever she travels with her family.

Oh, and by the way, when our children travel, photos are sent one after another.  

With the above, I don't know what more or how else could a family be closer and could know each other better.  

Thursday 9 June 2016

What Minimalism Taught Me

For many people, the past year was just an ordinary one, but for me, last year is one of the happiest years of my life.  We moved to this new home with renewed enthusiasm for the future.  We've taken away everything we deemed not important. For the first time, I felt everything is in order, and with minor fine-tuning here and there, we have a home running on oiled wheels. 

Thanks to the earlier decluttering  that we did and the simple living ways that we adapted.  As a result, we feel lighter; truly, minimalism is in sync with simple living in many ways. 

"Minimizing is better than organizing", says Joshua Becker in one of his blogs, Becomingminimalist.   His philosophy being that organizing can be a cycle, it has no end, we'll be doing it again sometime soon, if not over and over again.    Minimizing on the other hand gives us some kind of permanence as well as the freedom and the space that leaves us more time to pursue other opportunities.  Yes, take it from me, "I've been there, done that".

Being  a minimalist is very popular nowadays that more and more people are embracing the idea; what with life becoming more expensive.  A great majority of us have come to our senses and finally learned not to be taken easily by sales pitches and advertisements, we now look for value for money and try to acquire only things that are timeless.  Nowadays, some retailers are having a dilemma because tourists minimize shopping, if not totally omit it; they travel more for the experience. 

Though we had decluttered, I realized that we can't totally embrace minimalism.   There are stuff that we're used to having around; old habits are hard to break.  Besides I want a warm house free from clutter but not bare, I still want to put my personal touch; so I kept my celadon collection, a few decorative vases and coffee table books even though my younger daughter asks why buy a book only for the purpose of putting it on your coffee table?  She has a point, right and it resonates with minimalism. 
 The good thing though is that I learned to stop shopping except for food and the essentials.   I'm trying to adhere to zero shopping like Cait Flanders' shopping ban on herself as expressed in her blog: Blonde on a Budget. 

But then, what is true minimalism through and through, as in true blue?   Is there a standard?  Can it be measured by the number of stuff we keep, like only 100 pieces or is it 1000?  I have yet to get an answer.  

What I understand though is that by becoming minimalist, we have to purged all of the excesses in our lives, not just material things.  If we eat too much, drink too much, smoke too much, those are excessive.   Spending too much time on facebook or on the phone runs counter to the principle of minimalism.    When we cook too much food and throw away the left overs, we are not minimalists.  My  younger daughter today messaged me that she will limit herself to only two days a week of watching tv, she feels that too much exposure to that little box is not good for her. 

Finally I conclude that minimalism is knowing when and practicing what is enough for us and to overcome which ones are excessive.  

So, what do you think?  Am I on the right track?  Did I put the correct message across? 

Wednesday 8 June 2016

My Simple Pleasures

Pleasure is a happy experience we enjoy, however, we may not feel the same degree of enjoyment that is felt by another individual experiencing the same situation.  I believe that it is the lifestyle we are used to, our work, the people we associate with, our family and friends and all the things that make up our lives determine our degree of appreciation. 

Oftentimes we are bored with the circumstances around us as well as with the things we possess.  Sometimes nothing seems interesting anymore, we hang out in the same country clubs, the same vacation resorts and meet practically the same people.   To break this boredom, we shop frequently hoping to find the satisfaction we are looking for, and maybe this will make us happy.   

But pleasure seems so elusive; the pleasure of buying something actually ends the very moment we own it, unless the stuff will sustain our passion.  But the world has so much to give; why not focus on nature?

I recall when my younger daughter suggested that I join the 100-happy-days challenge;  I had to post on Facebook or Twitter what made me happy everyday for 100 days.  Initially, I thought it was really a challenge since I may ran out of things to post, it even got me a bit worried.  But I successfully made it, in fact, some days I even had two or three issues to post.  

My secret?  Awareness is the key.  I lived in the moment, I focused closely on the goings on around me. I paid attention to people, what they said or did; I listened, I felt; I looked at my surroundings with a 360-degree vision; I used my five senses to observe everything.  This made me realize that the simple things are the ones that really give so much pleasure. 

Sometime this week, my husband and I were sitting in the garden, talking.  Out of nowhere, a bird with the long tail breezily passed by close to our faces.  We both stopped talking, smiled and enjoyed that fleeting moment.  That felt wow!  This bird visits our garden many times everyday, sometimes tagging along smaller birds, they like the rice hull we add to the soil mix.  They keep flying about or alighting on the tree or on the ground, they seem comfortable in our presence. That felt nice, I love these garden visitors. 

I find it pleasurable walking before sunrise, the time when it's already light but early enough that the world is still asleep.  I love that it is quiet with minimal movement; except the morning sounds of chirping birds and the movement of the leaves touched by the passing breeze.

With my hot cup of coffee on hand, I go out to the front lawn early in the morning to check on the ornamentals and if I find even a single flower that bloomed, I am delighted so I snap a picture.  

I was so happy when I found not one but four gumamela flowers opened this morning. 

Another morning pleasure is buying and eating "hot pandesal", from Pan De Manila, a famous breakfast staple here like croissant is to the French. 

Oftentimes these little pleasures are taken for granted or even ignored. To take advantage of nature's beauty we must always be aware of everything around us, always take time to smell the flowers, as they say. 

Here are more of the few things that give me pleasure:

Lying down on fresh new sheets and pillows.

Eating toasted crunchy ciabatta drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with rosemary leaves. 

Reading a novel after dinner before going to bed.

Looking through pictures on interior and garden decoration

When my iPad dings and there's a free ebook from Bookbub

Eating breakfast outdoors

The feel of warm latte going down my throat when I take my first sip

The lovely scent of linen spray as I enter our bedroom

Eat Milka chocolate during my downtime. 

The smell of vanilla all over the house when I'm baking raisin oatmeal cookies. 

However, please don't think that my pleasure point is so low that I can't appreciate great pleasure.  Offhand, I can mention three:

When we get together with all my children and their families.

When my granddaughter comes over, hugs me and says:
"I love you Nana".

When we get good news from our children about their work, their achievements or anything good or exciting that happened in their lives. 

But when we FaceTime with our 2-year-old grandson and he is prodded to call me and he says "Nana", oh! that's major pleasure. 

Thursday 2 June 2016

Simplifying our Lives

If we want to simplify our lives, we should begin by purging our material overload; free from tangibles that obviously distract us from a clear mind.  In our case however, the major declutter came later.   

We've always wanted a simple life, but early on when this simple life movement was borne before the turn of the century, this would have been impossible to pursue.  My husband and I were very deep in our commitments at work that we couldn't just drop everything. Simplifying our lives was too far-fetched and I also couldn't have found time to declutter.  When our stuff didn't fit, we just added storage spaces or gave away a few. 

But purging of material things is not the only issue here; it's also about eliminating activities that give us stress or occasions that rob us of time better spent to enhance our well-being and add to our enjoyment.   

When we retired we welcomed the slower pace and the time available to pursue more relaxing activities.   Eager to start, we thought gardening would be an ideal activity, so we bought ourselves a new set each of gardening tools.  But  we just had a pocket garden, how much work was needed there?   True, we had a farm at the south of the metro but it is a two-hour drive to get there and we thought we couldn't be driving that far on a regular basis just to garden.  We couldn't move there either, I still have a store in town to manage. 

Sans the garden we started to focus on ourselves, we started addressing our inner issues while we spend more time for leisure, creativity and exercise as well as planning more  healthy meals.  We engaged in pleasant discussions and mastered navigating the net, because we know that this digital world is here to stay. 

I am aware that we all work to have it all,  to acquire our basic needs first: a home, a car, send our children to the best schools, good clothes; then if at all possible we also want to shop frequently, get the state-of-the-art appliances and other luxuries and to travel regularly.  Because of the hard work we put in to acquire all that, giving up a lot may not be easy.

Obviously simple living is different between you and me because of our individual values, priorities and needs. We have different ambitions, dreams and passions.  Buying a sub-zero refrigerator and a convection oven just to have an enviable kitchen may not be good unless we want to pursue our passion for cooking.  

Some do the extreme by leaving the city to live in the middle of nowhere and literally unplug everything.  Some move to a tiny house after living in a mansion.  All the alternatives are there but how we choose to live depends on what makes us happy. 

Our major declutter finally came when we moved to another home a year ago.  In the process of packing, we were able to give up at least a third of our material possessions.  After this experience, I believe that this process should continue so as not to accumulate again. As they say, one in, one out.  

After purging quite a lot, I learned to be conscious when shopping, not  on impulse.  I keep in mind what the advocates of simple living suggest that just like living, buying should be intentional, buy only what we need and only if this will enhance the quality of our lives. Any addition should not give us more work or more stress. 

Today, we are happily working on our edible backyard garden.  Recently, we bought garden items because that's our current passion and that makes us happy.  We got a table, chairs and garden umbrella.  Of course we also spent on bricks and stones. 

This past year we only bought a few clothes,  grocery shopping is pegged to a minimum nowadays and I only shop when we run out, not anymore weekly.   I'm also mastering the art of cooking for two to avoid left-overs.

Regards decluttering, I continue weeding out items from the stuff we kept.   At the same time we strive to make every nook and cranny of our home inspiring and relaxing. 

Nowadays we have more time to enjoy a cup of coffee in the garden, oftentimes even breakfast while we talk about our schedule, our plans and exchange opinions on current issues; in other words, we are talking more.  We meet with friends occasionally and when the weather allows,  we entertain in the garden. 

More importantly we are taking better care of ourselves, emotionally, physically and mentally.  We read a lot and we challenge our minds to remember things; next to gardening, reading is our other pastime. We heed what our bodies tell us and we don't overwork.  Our hearts tell us that there's contentment.  We are always in close contact with our children who touch home base everyday or every week depending on how busy they are. 

So yes! We are living the simple life and we are enjoying it. 


Thursday 26 May 2016

My Resolve to Lead a Simple Life

You may call this a sequel to last my blog: "my journey on de cluttering". Cait Flanders in one of her "Blonde on a Budget" blogs said:
"I wasn't living an extravagant life style, I'm just consuming more than I needed".  
In a sense, we are like her, we also lead a simple lifestyle but we do have more stuff than we need, otherwise, why do we need a storage shed?

The idea of being a minimalist is becoming more popular nowadays, especially among the young.  Couples are more inclined to discard their stuff , we see people on tv decluttering to fit smaller homes, some even  move to a "tiny house".  However, it maybe more challenging for oldies like me to do that; our ways are set and we become more sentimental as with age; there's just too many memories attached to our belongings.

My attempt to discard stuff we don't need started when we moved to a new home.  After seeing the enormity of our material possessions it got me thinking that I had more than I needed and that stopped me from buying things. This was a wake up call that stuck with me this passed year, otherwise, I would have continued buying stuff to this day. 

Isn't it a blessing in disguise then that circumstances led me to realize that owning too much is robbing me of time better spent doing things that matter most; focusing on this so-called "business of living", making my life happier and more productive?   At some point don't we all want to declutter for a simpler life but we just don't know how?   I consider myself lucky that I finally got started. 

I felt better after disposing a good bulk of our stuff, in my mind I saw order, I felt that everything is more organized without the need to cramped as much objects as I can in a limited storage space.  This encouraged me to continue decluttering.

Looking back, I have been oblivious to my surroundings, I should have learned from my children earlier on.  Now I have a flashback of my son opening his mail, crumples what's not important and throws them in the waste can.  When he moved to his own home, he would often bring a bag of stuff he doesn't want, paperbacks he has read, little things he got as gifts that are not useful to him.  I remembered catching them all and putting them away on cabinets and shelves; little did I realize that he learned early.

My younger daughter is an advocate of minimalism.  I think she also learned the hard way.  When she was single her shoes were in their original boxes piled one on top of another more than a meter high, occupying an entire wall of her room.  When my 6-year-old granddaughter visited, she was over-whelmed. 
"Wow, you have lots of shoes. May I see your clothes?". When she opened the  cabinet she got another surprise when some clothes fell off. 

After she got married she and her husband must have pledged to start being minimalists.   Would you believe that they bought their dinner set one piece at a time?  Yes, they didn't get the whole set at once. And this is also true with pots and pans.
"It's a good thing that I can buy Corelle one piece at a time", she happily told me.  

When they learned that my husband and I were visiting, they bought another pair of dining chairs.  She even sent me a picture of the new acquisition and I joked back: 
"So now Dad and I can sit as well".  "Yes!", she replied.  We brought them peanuts among other local delicacies and only then did they buy a mason jar to store it. 

We sat on a couch in front of the tv in the living room and she sat on a kitchen ladder while entertaining us. My son-in-law sat in the dining area.  A week after we left, they got an armchair for the living room.  Do you see that they won't buy anything unless they see the need? They only buy kitchen equipment after serious discernment regards its use and only if they have a space for it in their two-bedroom condo. 

Not to be out-done, my older daughter has always sorted her stuff and like my son, she would also bring stuff home to give away.  Lately though, she has been more determined that she doesn't  miss a thing.  She started with her clothes, then kitchenware and lately she had me sell her daughter's toys; barbie dolls, sets of Polly  pocket, girlie vanity items and out-grown clothes at my store.   The bigger and more expensive stuff were sold on line.  

From her daughter's stuff, she now has a budget to renovate her daughter's room and buy furniture to suit a teenager.  Not that she wouldn't spend out-of-the-pocket money for that, but isn't it a good thing that she got back enough from old stuff to do this?  

In all my earnestness to pursue this endeavor, I have to be honest, I have one dilemma.  My husband disposes his personal stuff sparingly.  He has four golf sets complete in their bags.  Don't you think they are bulky?  One entire wall in the storage shed is a two-tier rack where his coats, jackets and shirts are hang in addition to those in his closet inside the house.   I can't dispose his clothes and his personal effects. I'm just glad he trusts me to take charge of the kitchen items. 

The idea of being a minimalist does not only clear our space with much clutter, it also allows us to focus on what is really important.  It saves us money too because we realize that we  don't need another item to bring home.  Last Christmas, I avoided the bazaars; during my last trip to Singapore, I only went to the mall once and didn't buy anything but food for family back home. But early, early on, before all this decluttering matter, we went to Europe and  I bought souvenirs from every city we visited, but I say" never again", I promise!