Wednesday 8 June 2016

My Simple Pleasures

Pleasure is a happy experience we enjoy, however, we may not feel the same degree of enjoyment that is felt by another individual experiencing the same situation.  I believe that it is the lifestyle we are used to, our work, the people we associate with, our family and friends and all the things that make up our lives determine our degree of appreciation. 

Oftentimes we are bored with the circumstances around us as well as with the things we possess.  Sometimes nothing seems interesting anymore, we hang out in the same country clubs, the same vacation resorts and meet practically the same people.   To break this boredom, we shop frequently hoping to find the satisfaction we are looking for, and maybe this will make us happy.   

But pleasure seems so elusive; the pleasure of buying something actually ends the very moment we own it, unless the stuff will sustain our passion.  But the world has so much to give; why not focus on nature?

I recall when my younger daughter suggested that I join the 100-happy-days challenge;  I had to post on Facebook or Twitter what made me happy everyday for 100 days.  Initially, I thought it was really a challenge since I may ran out of things to post, it even got me a bit worried.  But I successfully made it, in fact, some days I even had two or three issues to post.  

My secret?  Awareness is the key.  I lived in the moment, I focused closely on the goings on around me. I paid attention to people, what they said or did; I listened, I felt; I looked at my surroundings with a 360-degree vision; I used my five senses to observe everything.  This made me realize that the simple things are the ones that really give so much pleasure. 

Sometime this week, my husband and I were sitting in the garden, talking.  Out of nowhere, a bird with the long tail breezily passed by close to our faces.  We both stopped talking, smiled and enjoyed that fleeting moment.  That felt wow!  This bird visits our garden many times everyday, sometimes tagging along smaller birds, they like the rice hull we add to the soil mix.  They keep flying about or alighting on the tree or on the ground, they seem comfortable in our presence. That felt nice, I love these garden visitors. 

I find it pleasurable walking before sunrise, the time when it's already light but early enough that the world is still asleep.  I love that it is quiet with minimal movement; except the morning sounds of chirping birds and the movement of the leaves touched by the passing breeze.

With my hot cup of coffee on hand, I go out to the front lawn early in the morning to check on the ornamentals and if I find even a single flower that bloomed, I am delighted so I snap a picture.  

I was so happy when I found not one but four gumamela flowers opened this morning. 

Another morning pleasure is buying and eating "hot pandesal", from Pan De Manila, a famous breakfast staple here like croissant is to the French. 

Oftentimes these little pleasures are taken for granted or even ignored. To take advantage of nature's beauty we must always be aware of everything around us, always take time to smell the flowers, as they say. 

Here are more of the few things that give me pleasure:

Lying down on fresh new sheets and pillows.

Eating toasted crunchy ciabatta drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with rosemary leaves. 

Reading a novel after dinner before going to bed.

Looking through pictures on interior and garden decoration

When my iPad dings and there's a free ebook from Bookbub

Eating breakfast outdoors

The feel of warm latte going down my throat when I take my first sip

The lovely scent of linen spray as I enter our bedroom

Eat Milka chocolate during my downtime. 

The smell of vanilla all over the house when I'm baking raisin oatmeal cookies. 

However, please don't think that my pleasure point is so low that I can't appreciate great pleasure.  Offhand, I can mention three:

When we get together with all my children and their families.

When my granddaughter comes over, hugs me and says:
"I love you Nana".

When we get good news from our children about their work, their achievements or anything good or exciting that happened in their lives. 

But when we FaceTime with our 2-year-old grandson and he is prodded to call me and he says "Nana", oh! that's major pleasure. 

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