Sunday 23 March 2014

Grand Parenting Is More Fun!

I immediately got inspired writing this after my younger daughter e-mailed this link to me

If you did not open the link, it is about a lady who went through difficult times raising her first baby at the age of 21. Amidst her struggle completing college and working at the same time; away from family and with almost no sleep; people told her, strangers even, that she "should cherish the moment because it is the best years of your life." 

This link couldn't have come to me at a better time, most especially that I can add another perspective to the subject, now that I am a grandmother. 

It seems odd though that those days, tagged as "the best years" are not better appreciated during the time mothers go through them.  We can only look back with regret; like the lady in the story, who only realized it years later. Of course some of us mothers even feel short-changed that we could have savored those moments more; unfortunately, the demands of our time and attention during those times didn't allow us to do so. 

I have no regrets nor any guilt feelings about how I took care of  my babies during their infancy because I was a hands-on Mom. Though, I  had a nursemaid, I still took care of my babies at night even after I went back to work.  I wouldn't say though that it was easy to be sleepy at work  but I needed the time to bond with them, so I gave up part of my sleeping time to do just that.  My weekends were fully devoted to them, and there was never a night that I wasn't home. 

Though my situation looked so convenient, it doesn't mean that it was easy, I also wasn't spared of some misgivings.  It seem so flimsy now when I think about how difficult for me then to keep explaining to my boss that I couldn't join an out-of-town seminar or out-of-the-country school-related activity.  Well, it could have been fun, too, mingling with associates on such occasions but then again, I made my choices. Somehow, it never affected my career opportunities.

 Many things were going on at the time our babies are born.  At this stage, many couples like we were then; are still trying "to find their place in the sun", so to speak.  Some still haven't made up their minds what career path to follow, for them this is when they are still looking for better career opportunities as they struggle to provide for the family; pay rent, saving to buy a house, paying for car amortization. How then is it possible to enjoy motherhood? We were too distracted that the priority was just to attend to the babies' physical needs. There was enjoyment but it could have been more. 

Being a grandparent is definitely more fun. You don't carry the same responsibility as moms do. You just enjoy them.

One thing I learned about grand parenting is being more aware of the needs and feelings of the child and are able to address them. I believe that my husband and I are able to help our daughter address her own daughter's needs since we are not as preoccupied as we were as parents, now we are more focused.  

We look forward to our granddaughter's visits,  We see that we have food she likes, clear our schedule so we can devote our time with her. Her presence never fail to brighten our days. 

 When she is with us  we are always amazed at what she says. Sometimes she talks like an adult; her conversation is very sensible. We also laugh a lot.  We forget our aches and pains. 

When our daughter calls everyday, it brings us so much joy to hear things about our granddaughter.

Sometimes she seems so mature; one day, while she was on the road with my husband who picked her up; my husband got exasperated with a rude driver. Alert about the situation, she said: "it is good to be patient sometimes, papa".

Indeed, grandchildren, just like any other child are gifts to love and to cherish. We are still praying and hoping for more grandchildren. 

Today happens to be the birthday of our only grandchild. She turned nine.

To you, our granddaughter,  Happy Birthday! 

While my granddaughter plays, I often read in the same room. Now and then, she would come to me for a hug. 

Note: all pictures and quotes were lifted from Pinterest. 

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