Monday 6 January 2014

No Time To Waste

Nowadays,  I feel it's high time not to miss the goings and comings of friends and family.  I also don't want to miss out on what's happening in the world and around me; what's new,  what's hip, what's fashionable, what's the latest of the latest!

Occasionally, my husband would get a call or a text message that a friend or a former colleague is seriously ill or have passed away.  Every call or text reminds me that life is short, and I should use my time wisely.

Two days ago, my husband lost a great buddy, and when I heard about it, again I told  myself that life is really short, I have no time to waste; I want to live!

When we are young don't we take time for granted?  We always believe that we have enough of it.  We just float along, oblivious of the beauty around us,  thinking that things are always there and that we could catch up on them later. Our parents nag us to do this, or do that, but we always say, "later". In school they teach us that

" procrastination is the enemy of time" 

and our teachers remind us that we :

"Must not put for tomorrow what we can do for today"

When we become adults however we think differently. We seem to be wired such that pursuing professional goals and being productive is the only way to live and to use time.  Don't we feel guilty when we are caught doing otherwise; like enjoying ourselves in a hobby, or just having coffee with friends? Don't our inner selves tell us it's a waste of time and there are better things to do? Don't we sometimes think that play is even illicit, that's why we only take a quick bite and move on?

When we reach our senior years, I can bet that our idea of time will take a drastic change. Then we really want to live! 

 I feel lucky and grateful that I ever lived to this day. Like any person my age, I just want to make use of this time to really "live"; to feel the enjoyment of every experience. Oh, I don't mean big things or expensive undertakings. I go for the ordinary; like

taking time to talk to a niece, 

walk with my husband for exercise and have a drink afterwards,

phone conversations first thing in the morning with My daughter and meet up with her at the mall to catch up with our lives first hand, 

FaceTime with Daughter and my sister who both live abroad,

breakfast with My son when he is in town for business,

have coffee with friends or like their post on Facebook, 

take  my granddaughter to lunch and eat spaghetti vongole, 

share with a customer in my store ideas to make and package native sausages, 

 grow more herbs for my home cooking; 
write interesting blogs and read a good book as well, 

go where I've never gone before, see what I never saw, hear what I never heard and love my family like I've never loved them before;

enjoy the view,    ..... walk on the beach,.....just feel the wind on my face and let my hair be blown the sunset....enjoy the stars and the entire constellation; other words, interacting with people and appreciating nature, now that's the way to live! 

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