Saturday 31 August 2024


It was fun and rewarding to cook for my son’s to birthday celebration. I can’t recall the last time we celebrated his birthday together; thus made last night’s celebration extra special. 

His work required frequent travel that must have made him long for his home-cooked favorites. He doesn’t cook but he made the menu according to his preferences; well, except for the muscles, his wife’s fave. 

His surprise was my sister Annie’s charcuterie board that’s so beautiful; it was something to write home about. Eating from it along with my pink moscato almost left no room for dinner. 

The Belgian mussels could be cooked with beer or white wine; I chose the garlic white wine sauce to pair with white wine since not everybody drink beer. 

Gambas al Ajillo made of fresh,peeled and deveined jumbo shrimps was cooked in olive oil, garlic, paprika and lemon juice moved along with the other antipasti. 

The Bouquerones fritos - deep fried fresh anchovies in EVOO served with lemon wedges and sprinkled with parsley was served next. This is best eaten as soon as it turns a bit golden brown to appreciate it’s crispness. 

Pasta with garlic-anchovy sauce with parmesan Is an all time family favorite was the simplest to prepare; each one made their own dish by coating the pasta with garlic-anchovy sauce in olive oil sprinkled with parmesan. 

The caldereta is a family favorite as well; chunks marinated in soy sauce and pineapple juice and simmered to tenderness in tomato puree, garlic, onions and herbs. Olives, mushrooms, potatoes, carrots and pimientos completed the saucy dish. 

We capped the meal with sans rival, mango pie and silvanas with coffee. We laughed a lot since everyone wanted a photo with the celebrant. 

Sunday 25 August 2024


Someone asked me; “what did you do after you retired from work? Did you get bored?”. 

Oh, not at all. 

Actually retirement gave me the freedom to pursue activities that I couldn’t do while I was employed. 

“So what do you do all day? ” 

You’d be surprised that my life is full of activities. When I was employed I woke up at 5:30 to prepare to go to work; so much later than nowadays when my day starts at 4 AM. After coffee and a shower I’m already out walking with my friends and neighbors at 5, if not earlier. 

My morning exercise is also my “me” time; an hour and a half navigating 10,000 steps. This is an interesting time I spend with friends sharing stories, experiences, jokes and laughter that make our day. It is also a time to “smell the flowers”, taking photos of vibrant flowers and photos of ourselves. 

Sometimes I walk alone

Back home is a leisurely breakfast with Jim; something we couldn’t do when we were employed, except maybe on weekends then. 

My breakfast is slice of papaya

onion-tomato omelette and rolled oats cooked with ground flax seeds.

This is an overnight mixture of a cup of the cooked oats, a teaspoon of chia seeds, a cup of yogurt plus a drizzle of honey. 

Jim’s breakfast is varied everyday; totally different but more nourishing and not as stereo typed as mine. But together, we cap our breakfast with a refreshing cold drink of green tea latte. 

Having been energized with endorphins after our morning walk, we are in a good mood to talk. Our conversation is diversified; from news about our children, to current social and political issues, to last night’s podcast we listened to, the sports we watched yesterday, the latest stories of the morning’s walk and so much more. 

I take time drinking my green tea latte while I check the photos taken and compose my Facebook post. I scroll through my Facebook feed; reply to messages and email. When done with that, it would be after 8. 

I go to the garden to check on new plants, to talk to the plants; massage the tips of my rubber plants; cut off dry leaves and trim overgrown bougainvillea stems. It is easy to forget time while gardening. 

What’s next? 

I bring out the mise en place for lunch to see whether I can leave them to my assistant to cook herself. 

Then I rest a bit; back to my current novel. While doing so, I often doze off without knowing it. And when I wake up, it is almost lunchtime. 

And that sums up my typical well-spent morning that starts as early as 4 AM; absolutely no time to get bored. 

From last night’s Democrats campaign speeches by eloquent speakers for Kamala Harris, I was struck by the words of former President Barrack Obama when he said of Kamala's opponent, former President Trump’s administration. 

“We have seen that movie and a sequel is often worse”.

But that is not true to my life, both before and in retirement. My life is as good before and my sequel is even better. 

Like all the Democrats speeches last night that emphasized freedom in so many words: my retirement life is also freedom. The freedom to spend my time the way I choose and the way I need to. 

Wednesday 21 August 2024

MERRY OLDIE: A Day In The Life Of A Retirie

The life of a senior is never boring sans a bustling social life. Meeting up with a close circle of friends occasionally keeps boredom at

This time the Forever Friends got together to catch to up and bond with Helen S who is vacationing from Edmonton,

When one of us visits from abroad, Virgie, our chief organizer would make sure we get together. And mind you she won’t accept absences. Since I couldn’t join last August 2, she rescheduled the lunch yesterday. Her course of action; “no excuses; (hindi puedeng wala kayo); you can’t be absent. 

Joan, her co-chief looks for the venue somewhere mid-way so it is convenient for all; Virgie lives on the other side of town from Helen C and I. 

Virgie and Joan

It was a lovely lunch at Din Tai Fung , Power Plant Mall. Thanks Joan, I love that you suggested this venue, I seldom go all the way there since everything my needs are available here in the south.

We all got updated on our families’ activities, showing photos and telling the story behind each one. We learned who among our children are working and where and if anyone is getting married soon; most important as well as interesting were the grandchildren. 

Amidst the catching up we took more photos to keep our memories alive. 

Helen S and Helen C with me

It has become a tradition to move to a cafe for coffee and dessert after lunch. Boy had a meeting at SM Aura; since we were not ready to end the day, we all decided to go all the way there for our dessert

We were surprised to encounter heavy traffic about 2 pm going there on a Tuesday, a weekday. We arrived too late that we had to say goodbye after all so we could beat the traffic going home. Joan took this photo while waiting for Helen and I. 

SM Aura where Joan, Virgie and Helen waited for us.

When shall we meet again? It will depend when someone abroad will come visit. Who can say? Thanks guys for a lovely day with you, I enjoyed every moment, especially the laughter and the banter. See you when I see you! At least I will see you on Facebook. 

Saturday 17 August 2024

MERRY OLDIE; 5 Things I Wrote My Children Before We Part

When I read this article in Pinterest several months ago:

“5 Things To Tell Your Children Before You Die”

by Ethan Rose @, I thought that is a brilliant idea. 

After all, as they all say, tomorrow is not promised, and yes, especially for us seniors who are practically counting our days; I believe that it is urgent. 

So I did not hesitate, I “hit the iron while still hot”; a letter went out to each of my children on their birthdays that year. 

My children and their families

What was their content? Here are what the article suggested: 

1- Say “Thank You” 

for the joy that they brought to your life, for the chance to nurture and to love someone beyond yourself. I had a lot to say here, my children are thoughtful and generous not only on material things, but more on their time and attention. Each child is unique that the letter can’t be stereotype. 

2-Say “I Love You”, 

Rose says it is an affirmation that they need to hear, regardless of age. You can say why you say so; is it their thoughtfulness, their kindness? 

3-Say “I’m sorry” 

for those you said or may have done; and even for those you left undone. I am quoting a stanza lifted from one of my favorite poems: 

 “The Sins of Omission” by Margaret Sangster. 

      “It isn’t the thing you do, dear; 

        it’s the thing you leave undone, 

        That gives you a bit of heartache 

        At the setting of the sun”.

I suggest you read the whole poem to guide you on what you need to say on this topic, you can cite specifics. 

I didn’t realize I had a lot to write here; but I congratulated myself for being brave enough to do so. You can imagine that the letters were lengthy. 

4-Say your Appreciation and Praise them.

Everyone wants to hear a praise or two. It enhances self confidence, self esteem and most of all self love. It is important that from an early age, children hear them from their parents. Yet even with adults, it is still important especially when praise comes from parents which are guaranteed to be sincere and absolutely true. 

5-Say- you are Proud of them.

Rose says that in this age and time, parents must counter the noise from social media where people are expected “to become more, do more, get more, succeed, strive to look a certain way to be ‘good’ “, to be acceptable. 

Children must understand that whatever they want to do with their lives will not make them less loved. They must understand that social media standards don’t matter in the way they choose to live and be. 

So why a letter? You ask why you can’t just sit them down and tell them personally? That is fine as well, but then a letter will go down in history, even after we die. Moreover, your child may want to go over the letter occasionally even when you’re still alive or while remembering you; it becomes your legacy. 

Just last night, i went over the letters from last year and I realized that they are as current as they will ever be until the end of my life. 

So friends, will you wait until the last minute at your deathbed when you can hardly speak anymore? That is, if you will ever have the chance. It maybe too late. As bad as I may have said that, just saying that it is important to do it NOW. 

Friday 16 August 2024


I feel blessed and forever grateful as I tick away another year from my life calendar. Over the years, there are lessons learned that I’d like to share; along with ways I intend to continue thriving happily through the time I have left.

Like most seniors, simplicity has become the norm; naps and simple meals sound good. Happiness is not defined by a bustling social life; there is peace and quiet found in solitude. But it is never lonely if we do occasional catch-ups with a small circle of friends. Lucky for me to have friends and neighbors who walk with me every morning. That is my ikigai.

I know that someone said: “I am not everyone’s cup of tea and that’s okay”; I am my own favorite brew. I know that my worth is not determined by the approval of others. I will live by my own values; not by others’ standards or expectations. I will surround myself with people who will uplift me and will touch hearts. I will walk the path with those who appreciate me for who I am, quirks, imperfections and all.

Since the early days, I’ve learned never to compare myself with others; life isn’t a competition, it’s a journey to be enjoyed in spite my circumstances and challenges. I will continue to embrace my strengths and weaknesses; I will strive to learn from them to be a better person than I was yesterday.

I commit to lifelong learning, it keeps my mind sharp, active and engaged because it can open avenues for new interests that could be pursued. I embrace technology, though I am not a techie it keeps me in touch with this ever changing world; so I try to learn and apply every new IOS.

I prioritize self care. It is necessary for maintaining balance, the emotional, mental and physical faculties. I will engage in activities that nourish and rejuvenate me; in so doing I could be a better version of myself for Jim and for my children.

I do not stress on things that I can’t control. When I am thrown with a curve ball, I lean on the wisdom of the serenity prayer:

“The Serenity to accept things I cannot change, Courage to change those that I can and the Wisdom to know the difference”.

As I continue on this journey, I no longer seek my next big dream, nor chase unattainable perfection. I don’t grapple with past regrets. I will follow the Toaist principle of living simply and appreciating the present moment. I’m happy gardening, bonding with family, walking with friends, reading novels and watching movies. I do listen to political and social podcasts and watch sports with Jim.

Fumio Sasaki reminds us in his book, “Goodbye Things”. that our worth is not defined by our wardrobe, neither the possessions we acquired, nor the lifestyle we lead but by the depth of our relationships, the richness of our experiences and the authenticity of our lives.

I know that my life is better than a dream not because I am rich or famous but because of the quality of a simple life devoid of envy, stress, anger and everything that is negative. As one of my friends said: “your life is as great as your mindset”.

And Ava Sinclair says: “ we each has our own unique rhythm in the dance of life”.

Finally I believe that “the heart of a man plans his way; but The Lord establishes his steps”-Proverbs 16.9.

The Sweet Magnolias fascination: Lululemon Sports Gear

The Lululemon brand was already being talked about in our circle before we even got hold of one. It is a coveted brand because of its quality; it has a good fit, comfortable and gives great satisfaction to the wearer, if I say so myself.

Delia, a dear family friend; (her dad and mine were best friends) who is also my former high school student is currently residing in Texas. We have reconnected on facebook a few years back. 

One day I got a package from her via DHL containing a full gear of Lululemon apparels. Leggings, shirt, sports bras, waist pack and headband. She even added sun screens, lipsticks and lip glosses. You can imagine how grateful I was to receive them and how excited to wear them as well. This leggings is just one from the package. 

That’s me with my Lululemon waist pack on. It has my iPhone, a rosary, and a hanky. This waist pack is so light and not bulky.

Carol, when in the US also got herself leggings and waist packs. Soon, Tess’ sister from the US brought her several Lululemon items without knowing that she likes the brand. 

One day Cheska, the best shopper in our group discovered export overruns of the brand in a mall. Some of us couldn’t wait to checkout what was available. 

Immediately Tess as usual went and bought several pieces, tennis/golf skirts, leggings and tees, whatever were available that fitted her. Carol and Celine too, bought a few pieces. Tess even left her number so she could be contacted once new items arrive. 

This was a topic of conversation during our daily walks; everyone telling the group how happy they were about their great finds. Below are photos of them wearing their purchases.

Above, Tess with Lululemon top and bottoms

Here, Cheska and Tess in full Lululemon OOTD.

Tess in lavender shirt to match her Lululemon blue mini.

Recently, Dolly came back from the Big Apple and while there she couldn’t help herself from buying half a dozen Lululemon pleated tennis skirts and some tees that she sports one by one.

The above shows one of Dolly’’s Lululemon pleated skirt and Carol with her pink skirt of the same brand.

I couldn’t believe that for a while, we went crazy over these items as if we couldn’t get enough of them. But then the satisfaction is fulfilled once the item is acquired.

However, I believe that It is justified to invest on exercise gear; it is important to be properly dressed, to be comfortable with a feel-good vibes while we exercise. This adds to one’s motivation and determination to keep going. 

Does it have to be Lululemon? NO! Any brand of choice will do. Like I said it just took our fancy. But the gear is the key!

Wednesday 7 August 2024


Cheska introduced Hoka to the Sweet Magnolias; (a name we call our group). Her friend in Singapore enticed her to get one. Fortunately, her husband was in Singapore at the time so he brought it home. She liked it so much that she went to the Hoka store at Ayala Mall while it was on introductory promo. 

When Tess learned about it, she immediately went to Ayala Malls and initially got 2 pairs, then she went right back for more. 

Not to be outdone, Carol and Claire also went to the store and came home with two pairs each. Dolly was teasing Carol having a Hoka addiction for she kept on buying, now she has 6 pairs. 

What about the rest of the group? Well, my daughter got me my first Hoka. I arrived in Singapore in April last year and my orange rincon was waiting for me, to my extreme delight. Since we were already there Jim urged me to buy. another pair and I did. 

Upon learning about this, my children were laughing they said that “there is also peer pressure among adults”. I didn’t mind them for I knew that they were just happy for me. 

But my husband is indulgent; when we got back home, he ordered two more pairs for me, the Bondi 8 and the Clifton 9 were great choices. So far, these two models are my favorites because of their comfort, cushion and stability. But the Rincon is also good because it is the lightest of the Hokas. 

Juliet was lucky for her sister in the US sent her 2 pairs, then her daughter also in the US sent her a pair as well. Upon hearing this, het family went to the store one shopping weekend and the family bought 8 pairs that made Juliet’s Hokas 4. Her sister asked if she wants more and she said, enough already. 

Celine has a lot of rubber shoes but she was not immune to the pressure as well that she bought a couple of pairs. Today, Joy just got back from Japan where her daughter bought her a Clifton 9 and a rincon 3. 

Neither Dolly nor Mel are immune, or maybe they just wanted to show that they are one with the group so they bought a pair each. 

But “Tess has the mostest”. I really lost count; a dozen maybe or even more. She earlier joined two KLM marathons in the Netherlands and in both, she wore Hoka

Soon after Tess gave away all her other shoes since she only wants to wear hoka, except an Asics because it was pink and she is comfortable in it. 

Her friend in Rotterdam who also got hooked with Hoka started ordering online but was hiding it from her husband who may think it was too much. She made sure she was home when the items arrived.

 Her fourth pair arrived when Tess’ friend was out. Upon getting home, her husband handed her the packaged and said: “here’s your 4th hoka”. See, no matter how much we hide, husbands are not fools to know what’s going on, but I guess they are tolerant because they love us and want us to be happy. “ Happy wife, happy life”, right?