Thursday 28 January 2016

Goodbye Old House; Hello New Home!

                                      Our Old House

"It's over" , my husband said when I got home after I turned over our former home to the new owner.

"No regrets", I silently told myself.  "The house is just a shell now.  It's a blessing in disguise actually; we are in a better place".

Earlier at dawn, over coffee before my morning walk, I tried to look deep in my heart about letting go of our house of 38 years.  I knew that I'm giving up the house today. 
"How do you feel about this?"
I asked myself;  I was surprised that I had no qualms going about it.  In fact, while I was driving over to the house later, it  even occurred to me that the buyer may back out after the deal has been sealed;  that got me a bit worried there. 

Two days ago when I iMessage my younger daughter that we were about to turn over the house, she asked:
"How do you and dad feel?"

I guessed that she was a bit concerned and she wanted to know whether we still hold the same sentiments about the house; and if that was so, I assumed that she wanted to help us make things a bit easier; a little moral support maybe, like comforting words that: 
"everything will be fine, you'll see".  
She and her siblings know that we planned to stay in that house forever until circumstances made us move out. 

"After everything that happened,  and after we removed our valuable stuff; it became just a house, besides the village is too busy now so 'there's no love lost' ", I sent back. 

"I agree", she replied with a smile. 

And it's true; actually I'm also surprised that letting go was that easy.  

In the process of packing up our belongings some months ago,  I was filled with a deep sadness, I was crying, emotions and disbelief consumed me, I almost couldn't breathe.  For days, I was moving around on autopilot, often feeling sorry for myself;  I couldn't fathom why we had to move out of that house.  But I had to accept the situation, 
"My Lord", I prayed, "if this is Your will, so be it; I believe that Your plans are better than our dreams".

Eventually, we were out of the storm, able to see the rainbow, and found our way back to normal again.  Looking back, I know that it was the constant love and unconditional support of our children that got us through.  Getting settled and fixing the new home was the exact therapy that consoled us, a distraction that helped us get on with our lives.  

Today, when I turned over our former home, I thought that it would be a difficult and sad day for me; on the contrary I felt relieved.   Was looking after the house a burden especially that we now live in another place quite farther away?  Is it about leaving behind the baggage of our earlier lives?  Is it because we believe that when a door closes, another will be opened?   I think it's all of the above and more. 

When I handed over the keys, I said to the new owner: 
"Please take care of this house, it has served us well".  
And to the house I said a silent: 
"Thank you for providing a haven for our family".

I wont deny that we had been happy there regardless life's ups and downs; we have lots of great memories especially in the early days when our children were very young and most especially these last ten years.  Now that they are all grown up, having their own families, I can still keep the memories, sans the house.  

As my older daughter said:
"Mom, we can make lots of new memories in your new home."  
And I believe her.  For the last nine months, we already spent happy times here, there was my 70th birthday in July when all my children and their families were here, then last Christmas was one of the best Christmases I ever had.  So, yes!  We started making great memories again. 

We are happy in this new home, everyday after a whole morning at my store, oftentimes tired and hungry, I feel invigorated as soon as I enter the village gate; a sense of peace and serenity never fail to engulf me. 

The "icing of the cake" is our edible backyard garden.  It is something that we wanted for the longest time.  It has become our preoccupation, giving us so much joy and peace and renewed energy.  Growing old here will be great. 

Hello new home!

Sunday 3 January 2016

One Of The Best Christmases Ever!

It's a rainy new year!
It looks gloomy and sad, it seems to tell me that the season's celebration is over.

My friend in Winnipeg who greeted me "happy  holidays" commented of Facebook:
"I enjoy reading your blogs, Rita, it is good food for our snow-affected thoughts";
Just like my friend who seemed okay with snow, the rain couldn't dampen my spirit as well, not after spending one of the best Christmases I ever had.   It was really great, but I also missed my younger daughter and her husband who couldn't come home for the holidays.  Had they been here, I'd say it would have been perfect.  But really; does "perfect" ever happen in this "vale of tears"? 

The weekend before Christmas

My celebration started with breakfast on Friday.  My son, who was here on business called:
"Mom, I'm free for breakfast, would you and dad like to come join me at Shangrila near my office?"  
He knows that we rarely go to the  city's business district since we can get everything we need in the malls around here at the south of the metro. 
"That is if you only like, have a change of scene.", my son continued. 
I looked at my husband who can hear the conversation on speaker phone and he nodded.
"Of course, we'd love too, and your sister here is free to join us", I replied. 

"And I won't go back home anymore, I'll wait for my family to join me here on Sunday night,  I'll spend the weekend with you until they get here", he said further.

We then had a sumptuous breakfast at Circles, one of Shangrila's restaurants.  But what I enjoyed more was catching up with our son and listening to him and our older daughter sparring jokes like they used to when they were younger. When my children get together and talk about things of days gone by,  I'm besieged with hundreds of long-ago memories that I always treasure.

Like most hotels, Shangrila had their lobby all dressed up for the holidays so we took pictures while waiting for my son to join us. 

We spent the whole weekend with our son, just talking, eating, reading and whatever we felt like doing.  Luckily, our older daughter was free to join us in most of our meals.  It rained the whole weekend but we enjoyed it nonetheless.  

 I asked what he wanted to eat, I know he is tired of hotel and airplane food,  he travels the world often and fly from one Asia-Pacific city to another almost week after week.  My husband and I gladly prepared the food he said he misses most. 

I know he is a very busy person and I wanted to know how he is coping. 
"Don't you ever get tired flying and getting bored as you wait for your flights?", I asked.
"No", he said, "I'm at the lounge doing my work".
"What?", I asked myself, "doesn't he ever stop working?"

We also had fun deciding what food to prepare for Christmas Eve;  we wanted something light since we have been eating much that weekend.  Besides, we do not believe in having a Christmas table over-flowing with food. 
"We must have a theme so it's easy to come up with a menu", my son said. 
We couldn't have lechon (roast pig), nor broiled tuna nor crabs; we already had those earlier. 

Definitely Filipino food was out.  Japanese food was an option but it was over-ruled.  We considered what my daughter-in-law likes since she is just about to join us.  We know that she loves Mexican food.  Everyone love tacos, so we had soft wrap and crunchy shells and corn chips.  We also dipped hard roll on callos and gambas  and included baked mussels and of course, the traditional Chinese ham and queso de bola.   Paella was too heavy, we decided to do that another day. 

What do most people say when things are great?   Ahh,
"if this is a dream, I hope I'll never wake up".  So if I was dreaming, I was glad nobody told me for I didn't want to wake up.  

........and time really flies when you're having fun... who knows when this will happen again?

My grandchildren 

When my grandson arrived, we were ready for him. We brought out toys my granddaughter had when she was younger.  My grandson latched on the toy car immediately even though it seemed too small for him; he has bigger rides back home, but I'm glad he liked it just the same.

Give children Lego and you'll never go wrong

Small cars to push seem interesting to them as well. 

Our grandson who is 20 months old recently joined a toddler class back home, having attended only five days so far, he is learning to interact with others, something he is not used to, being an only child.   He is reluctant to be carried by others.  But like the day we last saw him in November when we visited; he finally let me carry him to the car so these  pictures were possible. 

My granddaughter is alone as well but has always looked forward to bond with her cousin every chance she had.   Below are some pictures of them doing that familiar kindergarten song:

"My toes....... knees..... shoulders, my head".

And "high five", too.

I couldn't ask for anything better this Christmas; a well-spent holiday season, and I know I wasn't dreaming for I have all the pictures in my Dropbox and stored all the wonderful times in my memory playlist. 
What about you, did you have an amazing Christmas as well?  If you are in your golden years you'd appreciate Christmas like the way I've had; no glitter of tinsel nor nicely wrapped gifts nor the colorful fireworks on New Year's Eve  could compare. 

Happy new year!

Friday 11 December 2015

The Rewards of Gardening

 It rained last night but now the sky is clear and the sun is shinning. The garden beckons me so I took my breakfast at the shaded area under the mango tree.  I felt the breeze and breathed in fresh air. 

The plots are newly planted. The left is planted with racket while the other has lettuce.  Up close on the big pot is a lemon tree with two fruits. 
There is a small table for my tray of oatmeal and green tea frap and my husband's coffee.  There are always two chairs on the shaded area, convenient for two people to converse; though now I'm alone, a good chance for deep contemplation.

But my train of thought was distracted by two birds hovering over the garden until finally one alighted on the tomato plot and the other on the aratilis tree.  I tried to take a shot but I missed them by two seconds. 

I am really amazed at the appeal  gardens have over people:  Whenever I post a picture of our garden or just a plant on Facebook, I get plenty of likes.  I think that appreciating a garden, a plant or a flower slow down people in this fast-paced digital world.  Maybe they get to realize for a minute that they must also take time "to smell the flowers" as it is often said. 

 My daughter's sister-in-law who is a nun came by just to see our garden, she got curious after she saw the picture of my granddaughter helping papa transplant beets seedlings.  A niece and a nephew who often see my posts on Facebook also want to visit.  My friends in America want to have a BBQ party in our garden when they come for a visit early next year. 

Bell pepper plot combined with sugar beets.  This picture was taken more than a month ago.  Now the pepper are bearing flowers. 

Gardening may not sound so much fun unless you are willing to take on the hard work and bear the backaches arising from constant squatting to tend to the plants.  Nevertheless, my husband and I are relentless, we enjoy gardening and welcome what it gives back; the fresh air, a lifestyle based on the rhythm of nature;  besides, harvesting is heaven. 

The appeal of the garden to me is not only for relaxation alone or just admiring the view; the better value I learned is the interaction with nature.  You have to get your hands dirty, touch the earth to really get the feel of it. This exercise makes me stay grounded, so to speak and keeps me "down to earth", literally and figuratively speaking. 

Somebody said that when people are in their golden years, they like to do and see familiar things especially those from childhood; a recall of the good old days.  Maybe that's why  I planted a sour sap tree in our garden. 

The aratilis tree will go down to give way to the sour sap once it will bear fruits and our granddaughter can see and taste what aratilis fruit is. 

 As a child, I used to climb our sour sap tree in our family home where my papa planted fruit trees in the backyard and ornamentals on the front lawn. I used to pick the ripe fruits and ate them up on the tree.  It was so much fun, it was my secret to-go place to be alone.  I don't recall what were my thoughts then but I felt good after I had my fill of the sweet and juicy, (sometimes crunchy if they're not so ripe) fruits. 

I wish that I could leave this legacy to my grandchildren, that of loving the earth and appreciating what it can give back just like my papa did; he didn't even say a word but in his gardening he was able to envived in me this way of life.  I also hope that one day my grandchildren can climb this sour sap tree that I planted. 

From further reading, I learned that one of the greatest and cheapest past time is gardening.   It is said that it enhances mental-health leading to a better perspective in almost everything and will possibly lead to a longer life.  Didn't I mentioned earlier that a lady in Singapore who was in depression found solace in gardening after she learned that she can grow plants? 

Try any form of gardening if you're not at it yet.  I promise it will give back full reward. 



Sunday 6 December 2015

Singapore in November

Last month's latest trip to Singapore was a welcome treat just like all our other visits; a great bonding time with our son as well as our younger daughter and their families. 

Infrastructures rise fast In Singapore, there's always a new place to see or to dine.  On our  first dinner, my son brought us downtown at Orchard Road to Jamie Oliver's restaurant.  


Our children always ask us where we want to go whenever we're there. This time however we focused on gardens since our son knows that our current pre-occupation is our edible backyard garden.   He is one who always make  time to do what interest us, he nurtures our dreams and encourages us to do what makes us happy.  Our two daughters too, always introduce us to new things, new places to eat or to  visit.  They keep us updated thus making us stay "young" (at least at heart, if not physically). 

The very next day, he took a leave from work and brought us to HORTFARM.  

Here's s good view at the entrance. 

It was a big establishment of both edibles and ornamentals alike. Im happy that I was able to get ideas on garden sitting, something I could use to enhance  our small backyard garden.  Below are my favorites from the exhibit.  Again, this shows that nowadays many decorate the outdoors like they do the indoors. 

Later in the day and even the next morning my son was keen in bringing us yet to another farm, but my husband who knew me better than I know myself replied: 
"You know Mom wants to get ideas on how to make our backyard edible garden more interesting and she had seen some already". 

Instead we spent time with our grandson at the botanical garden where he ran around the wide open space of grass and later watched him play at the American club kids playroom. 

Our grandson with papa at the Botanical garden

At American club kiddie play area

We spent the last two days with our daughter and son-in-law.  Our daughter also took a day off from work to accompany us to get stuff to bring home.  They brought us to Pasarbella for lunch; it's a market, actually.  My daughter said that the set up is pretty much like the markets in Australia with food stalls and  fresh produce of fruits, veggies and home-made delicacies. That's where I saw the biggest paella pan ever. 

Afterwards, we hang out in their new condo where they recently moved to after two years from their first one.  My daughter is now into bread and pasta making and dinner that night was home-made pasta.

Drying home-made pasta for dinner. 

I woke up the next morning in their guest room, looked out and saw the tall trees reaching up to the 4th floor.  I turned off the air conditioner, opened the window, breathed in the fresh air while the breeze came in from the trees outside.  It felt great!

This picture was taken from my window. 

Finally on our last day before leaving for the airport, our grandson who only took to guys (except his Mom and his nanny) let me carry him.  Apparently, he wants to come along; knowing we're going on a plane ride when he saw our luggage near the front door. 

You made me the happiest, big guy!  Looking forward till  I'll see you again this Christmas. 

Monday 23 November 2015

Brunch at Artichoke Cafe and Bar in Singapore

There are many blogs written about Artichoke Cafe that I read on line.  Here's my impression after I saw and ate there.  Many thanks to my son and daughter-in-law for bringing  us.  The experience is doubly exciting for me having found it on line (and thought what a nice place to go) while I was checking out the edible gardens in Singapore. 

I thought at first that the cafe is in a garden, 
"a garden ambiance could be relaxing", I told myself; 
 but there was no garden at all, except for two or three tall potted plants outside looking uncared for and a 3-tier open shelf of unknown seedlings in big plastic vats inside.  I am guessing that the staff has more pressing things to attend to than nurture the plants especially when they have a lot of customers.  In spite of the casual-we-don't-bother ambiance, my son said you can't go in on weekends without a reservation.  We noticed a long queue  outside. 

If I were looking for a garden ambiance, it sure was a let-down, but I was not disappointed, the menu is interesting, the crowd tame and everyone seemed to be enjoying their brunch. 

In their website I learned that the master chef-restaurant owner, Bjord Shen is described as   "notorious for his rebellious personality and outlandish method of cooking".  He is the author of the Artichoke cookbook, lectures at the culinary school of America, consults with restaurant openings, and is also a multi-awarded chef among other things. 

When I go to a new restaurant, I don't order safe or familiar;  I always want to taste something new, something that I could perhaps add to my cooking repertoire; or if not, at least to taste a new dish.  This time I was adventurous as always so I ordered the "Haloumi and Mushrooms", have you ever heard of that?  

It consists of smashed avocado, Kranji farm mushrooms, tomato salad, mizuna and Turkish toast and of course, the Haloumi; a cheese made of sheep's and goat's milk that tasted like it was grilled. These chunks tasted pretty much like the Filipino cottage cheese but doesn't easily melt.   Mizuna is a peppery green leaf with mustard plant taste but milder than arugula.   It was interesting as well as yummy, I had my fill of thick and chunky mushrooms which I like very much. 

My drink was not a soda, nor the traditional iced tea, I ordered yet something I haven't tasted before,  their home-made lemonade with red seeds floating in the drink,  they were passion fruit seeds I learned later. 

My husband and daughter-in -law ordered safe; the Artichoke fried chicken with fries and coleslaw.   Another interesting dish was my son's order, Lamb Shakshouka. Two eggs baked in an skillet, spiced tomato sauce, slow-cooked lamb shoulder, green chili harisso, kewpie yougurt served with pita. 

It was around half past one when we were done but many were still outside waiting to get in.  We went looking for a cozy place to drink coffee and we found that in a quaint place in a small bakery that serves great coffee and mouth-watering pastries.  The experience made my day. 

Saturday 31 October 2015

Following Tradition: making Rice Delicacies on All Saints Day

When you're getting older like me, you are no longer as adventurous and aggressive in trying new things and experiencing everything unlike in your younger years.  You then  tend to look for things familiar, especially food and experiences in childhood.  Is that "second childhood" already?   I hope not for I'm still lucid and physically independent

As a tradition in our hometown as it is in all the provinces in our country,  it is customary to prepare native delicacies on All Saints Day.   When townsfolk come home from the city to visit their departed loved ones, friends meet up at the memorial park and invite each to their homes for a treat of rice cakes. Everyone in town; yes! everyone who happens along were given rice cakes as well. That's how easy life was then.

In my childhood, life was so much easier, that was when two of our peso was equivalent to a US dollar.  A ten-centavo coin then could buy me a bottle of soda or one jeepney ride around the metro..

The  basic ingredients of native cakes are sticky rice and coconut milk.  I felt like eating "tambotambong", that's Ilokano for ginatang   bilo-bilo.  So right after the 6 o'clock mass, I went off to the market with my maid and bought these ingredients.

Above are plaintain cubes, sweet potato,  not yet cut, anis, grated coconut meat and tapioca. 

Mixing water to this fine flour, I made the bilo-bilo (balls) below.

Later, I found myself in the  outdoor kitchen enthusiastically cutting up plaintain and violet sweet potato and boiling the tapioca while my maid squeezed out milk from the gratef coconut meat.  

I let my maid cook it, having taught her last time.  I tasted it and added vanilla extract and anis seeds to enhance the flavor. 

The yield is one big caserole of yummy goodness of sweet, thick and creamy soup dessert.  

I iMessaged my older daughter to pass by after their weekend outing to pick up some.  It's also one of her favorites. 

Saturday 24 October 2015

Learning About Singapore's Edible Gardens

After reading my latest blog:  " Reflections of an Aspiring Gardener", and knowing that gardening is our current fascination,  my son said that he'll bring us to visit gardens in Singapore when we go there.

I got so excited that I began to google gardens in Singapore to check out which ones are interesting.  I had the impression that Singapore; a very tourist-oriented country is more for ornamentals as manifested by the beautiful arrangements of flowers and rare plants I see at the airport, the gardens by the bay and all over the city.     

My impression is partly right, in fact since the sixties, Singapore is known as the "garden city" but nowadays, Singaporeans are trying to bring it to another level by cultivating edible plants.   

I learned that there is a growing concern for food security since only a small percentage of food are grown locally; fruits and vegetables are delivered everyday from Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines as well as Australia, New Zealand, and Chile.   Singapore is financially rich but some Singaporeans want a good level of food security.  They are concerned about disruption of food supply due to unpredictable calamities as well as contamination scares.  

There is a "grow your own food" movement in the "land-scares and import-dependent Singapore".  The Edible Garden City, managed by a group of farmers, some are volunteers, who aim to help develop edible gardens in under-utilized spaces:  in restaurants, hotels, schools and even balconies and rooftops of condominiums. 

"Nurturing food is an empowering process because you have control over your basic necessities in life,  right now you are controlled by supermarkets", says Bjorn Low,  Edible Garden City founder. 
Hotel  chefs also want to have access to the freshest herbs and leaves for their dishes and where else will they get that unless there's a garden within their easy reach. 

Schools  encourage the cultivation of edible gardens to teach the youth awareness of self-sufficiency; in so doing, the students also develop rapport and teamwork. 

Bjorn Low, who after doing university and completing his MBA gave up his job in advertising and eventually founded the Edible Garden City. 
"Taking the first step was difficult especially against the advise of my parents.   I thought I'd just try this for six months but now I couldn't go back because I saw a different way to live, a much more sustainable and cheaper option than what I had before".

Along the way, he met some interesting people and gained a lot of friends.  He mentioned  one lady undergoing depression and found solace growing plants. 

A "must see" garden for me is the Sky Greens project that is hailed as 
"the world's low-carbon, water-driven, rotating vertical farm". 
As published in Our World by the United Nations University, this project was nicknamed as "A Go Grow" by Jack Ng, the Sky Green Director and creator of this garden. 

This vertical garden  in simple terms is composed of long aluminum troughs planted with three kinds of vegetables,  (staples of Singaporeans); that revolve vertically like a ferries wheel but much slower; one revolution takes  8  hours so that the plants get enough sunlight as they go up.   The system claims no exhaust emitted since it is water-driven; the same water is utilize to water the plants  as they go down. If you want to know more about this unique garden, check it at:

There are a lot of edible garden enthusiasts in Singapore, individuals and organized groups as well as business establishments who want to produce much more.  Since attempts in hydroponics and aeroponics had limited success, the challenges of these methods have yet to be resolved.  Meanwhile there are experiments going on to find out whether LED light can substitute for sunlight to  grow vegetables and fruits in enclosed structures. 

To sum it up, every Singaporean has his own reason or passion to grow edibles but the greatest motivation boils down to food sufficiency. 

After reading all these and watching the video of a grade schooler who expressed his concern for his future , I felt guilty that some of my pots are just lying around empty.  

I feel challenged after I learned how Singaporeans  maximize  every inch of space possible, using all kinds of containers, planting vertical if space is limited just to produce food. 

So I got some pepper seedlings from my husband's plot and planted a few on my long trough.  

Although my husband has a tomato plot that was newly planted, I also tried planting tomato seedlings in a big pot, thinking that it would also turn out decorative especially when it will bear fruits.  Like my basil pots placed behind our dining room window to enliven the place

Hopefully in my next blog, I'll have more input on edible gardens in Singapore  and post interesting pictures of gardens I will visit.  It would be interesting to see the Rooftop Garden at Wheelock Place and perhaps have brunch at the Artichoke cafe.  I'll keep everyone posted.