Tuesday 1 October 2024


Two of my walking buddies in their fifties and thereabouts often tell me that they want to age like me, to be as active and as energetic. They are curious how I manage to be joyful and full of zest at 79. What is my secret? They ask. 

I can attest that this is not a matter of luck; nor so much as good genetics; I believe it is more of general outlook on life and daily habits. 

Twelve years ago, i can’t claim being fit. I thought that being retired gives us the freedom to do our thing, without restrictions and just enjoy life. 

So I got careless, I indulged in sweets until the wee hours; read a lot, didn’t sleep much and avoided exercise. Lo and behold; the photo below shows the aftermath. 

With my younger daughter

Earlier when I was employed, I was conscious of what I ate; I never touched ice cream, cakes and pastries then. I did exercise in spite my busy schedule. I guess those earlier habits made it easier for me to go back to that lifestyle. 

What then is the secret of my enduring positivity? 

Maybe because of my positive mindset; I’m a glass-half-full-kind of girl….

Maybe because I have a loving family; a good husband and sensible caring and generous children…

Maybe it is in knowing which challenges I can solve on my own from those I need to lift up to The Lord…

Maybe because I’m a social person; occasional socializing makes me relax and enjoy life more….

Maybe because I read a lot that diverts my mind from negative thoughts. 

Maybe because writing is my therapy; it brings me to that sacred space where words flow easily, thus my emotions are fully expressed….

Maybe because I don’t compare myself to others; instead I work to make myself better than yesterday. Moreover I am happy for who I am and grateful for what I have. 

Maybe I am open to learning new things; that’s why I embrace technology that opens up into a whole new world. 

Maybe I focus on self care, I value “me” time; drink a lot of water and I prioritize sleep. I also take naps that rejuvenate me.

Exercise is a big factor, for sure. Walking first thing in the morning with friends gives me magic moments while I exercise. 

Exercise releases endorphins that boost our mental health, help relieve pain and reduce stress. It also burn calories that keep my body fit. 

Finally, I learned to control my diet, eating healthy food that nourishes my body at best. 

But most of all, I take life in stride, while I try to overcome challenges. I embrace the little aches and pains that aging brings. 

“Keeping one’s attitude positive especially when the world conspires to make us mad, is one of the great accomplishments of life” - Brendon Burchard

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