Thursday 21 August 2014

One More Time: O----Live My Hair!

When you go to the beauty saloon for a trim, aren't you always offered to have your hair treated, either for dryness or color-damaged? Aren't you tired or oftentimes felt embarrassed to refuse lest they may think that you can't afford it or you are just scrimping even if your reason is not having enough time?  

My hairdresser has been nagging me to have a hair treatment claiming that my hair and scalp are too dry.  Though I already made an appointment to do this after lunch today;  I decided to put olive oil on my hair this morning hoping that it would work pretty much the same way so I would be spared of the commercial treatment.  

Section by section, I applied the pomace, yes, that's what I have in my pantry since I was advised that pomace olive oil is the best to offset cholesterol.  

I used a brush applicator, dipping it in a bowl of about 10 ml of olive oil.  The oil settled directly on my scalp, wetting the hair in the process.  Then I massaged it a bit and put it up with a clamp.  I thought that it would be messy because I did not bother putting tissue paper underneath, but I was surprised, it did not even drip while I was doing my chores. 

I let my hair soak in the oil while I loaded the washing machine; had breakfast and prepared lunch.  Two hours later, I washed my hair with the olive shampoo and conditioned with the same brand I use regularly.  Guess how my hair came out when dry?

Now my hair is SSS, (soft, smooth and shiny),  even the baby hair that grew due to my regular use of the olive shampoo were lying flat and tame, I'll be honest, there were still a few that were standing out. I conclude that I may need to do this regiment more often; once a week maybe? In fairness to my hairdresser, I now understand she had a good reason recommending the treatment because my hair earlier tended to go every which way and the baby hair stand out, it must be really dry. 

Didn't I mention earlier that olive oil is not only good for cooking and making salad but also for our hair? Here's the link to know more. 

I already cancelled my hair treatment appointment but later today, I'll just go for a trim, to take off the ends. They're not split, but I heard that it is healthy to nip the ends occasionally and I kinda like a certain length that I'm comfortable with. 

I feel happy today, I'm having a good hair day!

Smileys from Pinterest. 

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