Monday 27 February 2023


​Nowadays, getting a stay-in household help is not easy, especially if we are  looking for a reliable, efficient and loyal one. 

Gone were the days when Jim and I would go home to our hometown and for sure we are able to get one, most often from the family members of our “ kasama”, the ones who tend our farm. 

Usually we want to get someone well recommended by friends or family but that is not always possible. Oftentimes we are desperate so we turn to the agency. 

What can we do to keep our household helpers loyal and stay with us for as long as possible?  That is, if we are lucky enough to get one. 

Here are a few tips. 

1-Compensate them well and pay them on time. Some of their family members back home maybe dependent on them. 

2- Feed them well; make sure they are given basic and satisfying 3 square meals and afternoon snacks. They can’t work well if they are hungry. This is one way to earn big points towards gaining their loyalty. However, specify which food the are allowed to consume from you refrigerator and pantry. 

3- From the start, spell out their responsibilities; give them a list if you must. Make sure they understand our expectations; show them exactly how we want things done. Do not expect them to know how to clean our bathrooms when most of them never used such; let them know our standard of. cleanliness 

Be clear about your expectations. At the onset, provide a routine, if necessary an hourly one and specify break time. Check that they can cope with their assignment; understand that some of them are inexperienced or slow workers; therefore there is a need to evaluate their coping ability 

Do not disturb them during break time or when they take their meals. 

4- Treat them humanely; do not insult them and never hurt them physically. Be patient, guide them properly without scolding. Show appreciation; give praise for a job well done. Always use the magic words “please” and “thank you”. They deserve that as much as the waiters who serve us in restaurants. 

5- Provide proper and well ventilated sleeping quarters; they too deserve some comfort and privacy so they can rest well. 

6-Try to allay their loneliness or boredom by providing TV entertainment if possible. Give access to WiFi if you can but not the password.  Specify that receiving and answering calls or messages are only aloud during rest periods

7- Do not allow visits from friends and relatives for security reasons. They can meet up with them during their days off. 

8-Ftom the start agree on the frequency of days off. 

9- Specify what personal items you will provide and what they need to buy themselves. Tell them if they are allowed to us the washing machine for their clothes. 

10- Show them empathy; when we entertain, there is extra work; help them to clean up and put things  in order. If budget allows, give them a bonus but make sure this is not abused lest they might think that it it the SOP. 

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