Sunday 29 October 2017

To Get Or Not to Get A Housemaid: That Is The Question

When my housemaid of two years went on a two-week leave sometime ago, I  asked myself: "how hard can it be without her?". 

In the Philippines it is still possible to have a live-in maid even for average families; though I must say that it is becoming more and more difficult to get one.  Most of them want to work abroad.

As soon as my maid went of vacation, Jim and I developed a routine in maintaining the house spic and span.  I do the indoors and he tackles the outdoors.  It doesn't mean though that we don't help each other in whatever task that needs to be done. 

That was when  I saw that my maid's work isn't all that backbreaking nor takes so much time.  In the first place, there's only Jim and I at home, no more kids to clutter the house.  

I have a heavy duty washer and dryer, so she doesn't wash clothes, including her beddings.  My clothes are drip-dry, no ironing necessary there and Jim irons his delicate clothes himself, he can't thrust the maid with that.  I do the cooking, she just prepares the mise en place.  We have no pets to take care of  and Jim and I tend the garden, well..that's  mostly Jim.  

Nowadays, maids are distracted with texting and Facebook that they don't do their jobs well anymore.   My maid can hardly put down her phone.  Early on I tolerated that because I thought that she also needs a breathing space in between chores and I saw that she got things done.  Lately however, it looks like she spends more time on her phone than working.  

My older daughter doesn't have a live-in house help since her maid of 11 years left.  After three maids that she recently tried and didn't like, she is more inclined not to get one;  she got tired training them besides, she has someone who does the thorough cleaning once a week.  

Now that she works from home, she can prepare breakfast and dinner for her husband and her 12-year-old daughter; alone at noon, her lunch is take-out or left-overs.  On weekends they always eat out, whether they have a maid or not.  Her in laws are just next door and they have two drivers and two maids who could be of assistance when necessary. 

Here are the pros and cons whether to get a maid or not that I can think of:
. We have to allocate a budget for her salary.

. It is a hassle to think or prepare her food; we may thrive on sandwiches or just pasta but she needs rice and adobo. Think of feeding another person three meals and two snacks and imagine the savings if we are prudent in preparing meals. 

. There is little or no privacy at all, especially in a condo where space is limited.

. The presence of another person in the household will also consume utilities like electricity and water that we can be saved otherwise.  Remember, she charges her phone twice a day, lol!

. She will look after the baby when we are at the office

. We have someone to do the cleaning

. We won't wash dishes 

. Theres someone to bring us things if we are too lazy to go get them ourselves

. to hang and fold the laundry

. to throw garbage, soap the waste can and line it again with plastic bag

. to open and close the gate when we come and go

. to bring over the remote when someone calls

. to answer the door.

. Someone is always at home. 

Maybe we're so used to having a maid that oftentimes we feel deprived if there's no one to wait on us.  True, we can always do the chores but it means less time for me to devote to the store; less time for hobbies, leisure and relaxation.  Moreover, Jim is reluctant to leave the house for long periods without someone at home. 

How about you, what's your take on this?  

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